
Diabetes Management

Small Habits That Can Work Wonders In Managing Gestational Diabetes

1 min read

By Apollo 24|7, Published on - 29 July 2024

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Gestational diabetes (GD) is a common condition that affects pregnant women, often causing high blood sugar levels. The good news is, with a few small lifestyle changes, it's entirely possible to effectively manage GD and ensure the health and well-being of both mother and baby.

Regular Blood Sugar Monitoring

One of the most effective ways to manage GD is by regularly checking your blood sugar levels. This can be done by pricking your finger before breakfast and one hour after each meal to get accurate readings. By sharing these logs with your team of doctors, you can receive the appropriate advice and treatment.

Healthy Eating Habits

Eating a balanced diet is crucial in managing GD. Regular meals, typically three per day, should include whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and a limited intake of sugary foods and drinks. Remember, skipping meals can lead to fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

Physical Activity

Physical activity has been proven to lower blood glucose levels. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week, in addition to strength exercises on two or more days a week. Always choose exercises that are safe and recommended by your doctors.

Staying Positive and Proactive

Last but not least, maintaining a positive attitude towards GD management is vital. Work closely with your doctors to gain the best advice and guidance for your condition.

By incorporating these small habits into your daily routine, you can significantly improve the management of gestational diabetes and reduce risks to yourself and your unborn child. For further support and guidance, consider enrolling in a comprehensive programme like the Apollo Super 6, which offers personalised plans and support for individuals managing diabetes.


Diabetes Management

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