
Diabetes Management

Pilates and Its Benefits for Diabetics

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Living with diabetes requires constant vigilance - maintaining a wholesome diet, regular physical activity, and close monitoring of blood sugar levels. A popular form of physical activity in recent times is Pilates. Coupled with its range of benefits for people living with diabetes, it is a worthwhile consideration for an addition to your fitness routine.

Benefits of Pilates on Blood Sugar Control

Pilates, a series of controlled movements and mat exercises, has been shown to make significant improvements in managing blood glucose. By incorporating elements of resistance training, this form of exercise aids in reducing insulin levels and enhances our body's response to insulin. Regular Pilates workouts are effective in reducing excess blood sugar, gradually improving insulin sensitivity over time.

Strength and Flexibility

Pilates goes beyond just managing diabetes; its core-focused exercises boost strength in the abdomen, spinal muscles, hips, lower body and upper body. This exercise regimen also improves overall flexibility and mobility by enhancing the extent to which muscles can stretch.

Cardiovascular Advantages

Managing diabetes goes hand-in-hand with taking care of your heart health. Pilates provides cardiovascular benefits that not only help manage diabetes but also improve overall heart health. Functional Pilates, popularly known as Cardio Pilates, strengthens the core while simultaneously providing a comprehensive cardiovascular workout.

Mental Health Benefits

The emphasis on mind-body connection in Pilates could be an effective way to manage stress and anxiety levels that often accompany managing a condition like diabetes.

Adapting to Your Body's Needs

One of the major advantages of Pilates is its adaptability. It can be modified to suit individual physical levels, making it an accessible exercise option for those new to physical activity.

Before commencing with Pilates or any new form of exercise, consult with your doctor. Choose an instructor who is well-versed in diabetes and set realistic goals for yourself. Consistency is key for long-term benefits. Alongside this, consider enrolling in a structured programme like the Apollo Super 6 that is designed to help individuals manage type 2 diabetes through lifestyle modifications and personalised support.


Diabetes Management

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