
Diabetes Management

Jaggery and Diabetes: Safe Substitute for Sugar?

2 min read

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Managing diabetes involves careful attention to your diet, including choices about sweeteners. When managing diabetes, making informed decisions about sugar alternatives like jaggery is crucial. It's always best to be informed before making dietary changes, so let's delve deeper into this topic.

Understanding Jaggery and Its Effects on Blood Sugar

Jaggery, while often hailed as a healthier alternative to refined sugar, is not necessarily a safe option for individuals with diabetes. This is primarily due to its high Glycaemic Index (GI) of 84.4, which is akin to or even higher than refined sugar. Consuming high GI foods can lead to rapid spikes in blood glucose levels, posing a risk for diabetics.

Examining the Components of Jaggery

It's crucial to understand that jaggery is mainly composed of sucrose, similar to regular sugar. It contains about 65-85% sucrose that breaks down into glucose and fructose in our bodies. Moreover, jaggery is calorie-dense, offering around 375 calories per 100 grams.

Busting Misconceptions and Focusing on Blood Sugar Management

While it's true that jaggery contains minerals not found in refined sugar, the quantities are too minor to offer significant health benefits. Importantly, these minerals do not negate the impact of jaggery on blood glucose levels. For individuals with diabetes, the primary aim is to manage blood sugar levels effectively. Substituting sugar with jaggery doesn't assist in achieving this objective.

Considering Alternatives and Portion Control

If you still wish to consume jaggery, it should be taken infrequently and in small amounts. Always seek advice from your doctor or dietitian for personalised guidance. Instead of jaggery, you could consider natural sugar-free sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit extract, small quantities of low GI fruits for sweetness, and an overall balanced diet rich in fibre and protein.

Living well with diabetes is about making informed choices. Keeping this in mind, the Apollo Super 6 programme has been designed to help individuals manage type 2 diabetes through lifestyle modifications and personalised support. From the guidance received in this programme, you can make better dietary decisions and lead a healthier life.


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