
Diabetes Management

How to Manage Diabetes with Biohacking Techniques

2 min read

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Diabetes, a lifelong condition, is manageable through lifestyle modifications and dedicated self-care routines. One empowering approach is biohacking, a technique where individuals make changes to their environment to improve their overall health and well-being. Applied to diabetes, it involves making strategic choices about diet, exercise, stress management, and blood sugar monitoring. All these can dramatically improve how effectively we manage this chronic ailment.

Dietary Insights for Blood Sugar Management

Being proactive about what you eat can be transformative. Controlling carbohydrate intake is vital as it directly impacts blood sugar levels. Stick to low glycemic index foods like green vegetables, legumes, and whole grains such as barley and buckwheat. Likewise, incorporate high-fibre foods like apples, carrots, and chia seeds that slow sugar absorption and regulate blood sugar.

Adopting Effective Exercise Regimes

Physical activity plays a crucial role in managing diabetes. A combination of aerobic and resistance training exercises done regularly can lower blood glucose levels and fight insulin resistance. Make sure that movement becomes an integral part of your daily routine. Even simple activities like walking or cycling can contribute to better blood sugar control.

Stress Management Strategies

Managing stress is essential for controlling diabetes. Elevated stress levels can raise blood sugar due to the release of cortisol, the body's primary stress hormone. Practice deep breathing techniques for 10-15 minutes daily. Also, ensure you have at least 7 hours of quality sleep every night.

Timely Blood Glucose Monitoring

Being consistent in monitoring of blood glucose levels at set time is a crucial aspect of diabetes management. By tracking your levels, you gain insights into how your body reacts to different factors like diet, exercise, and medications. This allows for informed decisions and adjustments to keep blood sugar levels within healthy limits.

Managing diabetes is a journey, not a destination. Integrating these biohacking techniques into your daily routine will make this journey smoother. For comprehensive support in managing diabetes, consider enrolling in the Apollo Super 6 programme. Developed by the doctors at Apollo, it assists in managing type 2 diabetes through lifestyle changes and personalised support.


Diabetes Management

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