
Diabetes Management

Effective Treatments for Diabetic Neuropathy in the Feet

1 min read

By Apollo 24|7, Published on - 24 June 2024

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Diabetic neuropathy, a nerve damage condition, is a common foot complication for people living with diabetes. It causes symptoms like pain, numbness, tingling, and even loss of feeling in the feet. This condition can be debilitating if it is not addressed promptly. Below, we explore the best available treatments to help manage this condition effectively.

Medical Interventions

Medical treatments for diabetic neuropathy are primarily aimed at managing the pain and discomfort. Medications aim to relieve nerve pain, and Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can also help reduce inflammation and provide comfort. Another method your doctor might recommend for painful diabetic neuropathy is spinal cord stimulation (SCS). This non-invasive process uses electrical currents to block pain signals from reaching the brain, substantially reducing painful symptoms.

Building Better Habits with Lifestyle Changes

Treating diabetic neuropathy doesn't stop at medication. Lifestyle changes play a crucial role in managing this condition. Simple walking, swimming, or yoga exercises can enhance circulation and nerve function. Using essential oils like rosemary, eucalyptus, lavender or chamomile through massage or aromatherapy may help manage pain and reduce stress. It's also critical to prevent foot injuries by wearing well-fitted shoes and socks and regularly checking for cuts or blisters.

Preventive Strategies

Preventing further nerve damage is key in treating diabetic neuropathy. This involves maintaining healthy blood glucose levels through diet, exercise, and medication. Regular visits to a podiatrist are recommended to assess nerve damage and prevent foot-related complications.

Personalised treatment plans can be pivotal in managing diabetic neuropathy in the feet effectively. Consider joining the Apollo Super 6 program for its personalised support system designed to help manage type 2 diabetes through lifestyle changes. This program has demonstrated success in reducing hbA1c levels, promoting active lifestyles, and improving sleep quality. And the best part? You'll have free lifelong access to diabetes management tools.


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