General Health
From Surya Namaskar To Utrasana: 5 Morning Yoga Asanas To Start Your Day Healthily
2 min read
By Apollo 24|7, Published on - 24 February 2023, Updated on - 20 April 2023
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How often have you heard of the benefits of practising yoga early in the morning? We believe more than a few times! Performing yoga every morning would not only help in de-stressing your body but also prepare you to carry out daily activities efficiently without feeling fatigued. In this article, we are going to discuss five popular yoga asanas that you should practice every day to kick-start your morning on a healthier note.
1. Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations involves a salute to the sun, which is a great way to warm yourself up and sync your respiratory flow with your body movement. Surya Namaskar is believed to improve your blood circulation and metabolism. Apparently, it lightens you up energetically creating a sense of inner calm.
2. Kapalbhati
Kapalbhati asana involves strong and forceful breathing that helps clear out the sinuses. Performing this asana regularly every morning is believed to improve digestion and relieve constipation. Kapalbhati is also believed to clear up clogged pores and help your skin become radiant.
3. Ustrasana
Ustransana is a camel-like yoga pose that helps stretch the muscles of your chest, abdomen, and quadriceps muscles (thigh muscles). This asana helps in toning the glutes (hip muscles) and hamstrings (muscles at the back of the thigh). It is also believed to improve the endocrine, circulatory, digestive, and respiratory systems.
4. Ardha Matsyendrasana
One of the more classic yoga poses, the Ardha Matsyendrasana is a twisting posture that is in practice since ancient times. It is believed to stretch your spine and promote healthy digestion. It is a popular pose that people often perform before breakfast.
5. Natarajasana
Also known as the dancer’s pose, Natarajasana helps in creating an equilibrium between your body and mind. This asana helps stretch the spine and provides flexibility to the legs. This pose also helps in improving balance and coordination in the body.
A routine involving any of the aforementioned yoga asanas can help improve your attentiveness and energy quotient in your body. If you experience any discomfort while practising these poses, discontinue them and consult a doctor. For more insights on how to make your mornings healthy,
General Health
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