
Diabetes Management

Best Kidney Health Tips for Diabetics

2 min read

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Taking care of your kidneys is crucial when you're managing diabetes. This can seem like a challenging task, but with the right knowledge and habits, it's entirely achievable. Understanding how your diet, medical management, and lifestyle can impact your kidney health is the first step towards making a significant difference. Let us explore these topics in detail.

Maintaining a Kidney-Friendly Diet

To protect your kidneys, it's crucial to make dietary adjustments:

  • Incorporate Kidney-Friendly Foods: These include fresh vegetables like broccoli, peppers, and leafy greens; low-sugar fruits like apples, grapes, and berries; and whole grains like brown rice and whole grain bread. Opt for lean proteins such as chicken and fish and limit processed meats. Healthy fats from sources like olive oil and nuts can also be beneficial.
  • Limit Harmful Nutrients: Reduce sodium intake to less than 2300 mg per day to manage blood pressure and decrease kidney strain. Monitor and limit potassium and phosphorus if you have chronic kidney disease (CKD). Minimise added sugars to maintain stable blood glucose levels.
  • Practice Portion Control: Working with a dietitian can help you determine appropriate serving sizes and maintain consistent meal patterns.

Regular Monitoring and Medication Adherence

Regular blood glucose monitoring is key for diabetics. Aim for an A1C level below 7% to reduce the risk of kidney damage. Managing your blood pressure is equally important; keeping it below 140/90 mm Hg can protect kidney function. Regular monitoring of eGFR and urine ACR ratio can detect signs of kidney disease. Also, ensure adherence to prescribed medication regimens.

Adopting Healthy Lifestyle Changes

Adopting positive lifestyle changes can bring about a holistic improvement in health. Here is how you can inculcate these changes in your life:

  • Exercise Regularly: Physical activity aids in weight control, lowers blood pressure, and improves overall health.
  • Avoid Smoking: Quitting smoking significantly improves health outcomes for diabetes and kidney disease patients.
  • Manage Stress: Stress-reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation, or engaging in hobbies maintain emotional well-being, which can positively impact blood sugar levels.
  • Regular Check-ups: Consistent visits to your doctor are vital to monitor kidney function and adjust treatment plans as necessary.
  • Avoid Nephrotoxic medication: regularly review and avoid medications that can harm the kidneys, especially NSAIDs. Ensure appropriate dosing of medications that are renally excreted

Following these guidelines can help diabetics manage their kidney health and reduce the risk of complications. Always consult with doctors for personalised advice. Consider joining a comprehensive programme like the Apollo Super 6, which offers lifelong access to diabetes management tools, expert consultations, and personalised plans. Take proactive steps today for a healthier tomorrow.


Diabetes Management

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