Digestive Health
Home Remedies for Gas, Bloating, and Acidity
8 min read
By Apollo 24|7, Published on - 15 August 2022, Updated on - 07 August 2024
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Gas, bloating, and acidity are common gastric problems that can make an individual suffer from pain [gas pain], heartburn, discomfort in chest, burping, trouble swallowing [dysphagia], and pressure or fullness in the belly.
Acidity is a condition where gastric glands produce excess amounts of acid more than required to digest the food [digestion process]. As a result, most individuals burp or hiccup frequently without any reason. Passing gas or flatulence is the human body’s natural way of releasing any trapped air that may have either been swallowed during eating, drinking, smoking, or created as a by-product of the digestive system.
Typically, an average person passes gas around 13 to 21 times a day! However, gas when trapped inside, can cause an alarming pain! This pain sometimes imitates the symptoms of appendicitis, gallstones or heart diseases. Often due to gas, one may feel that their belly is full or tight. This condition is referred to as bloating. And this can happen because of various reasons such as drinking carbonated beverages, eating a large meal, and constipation.
One may be interested in popping an antacid to get relief from these gastric problems. But before doing that, we recommend you consult the best gastroenterologist near you and try the most effective Indian home remedies for gas, bloating, and acidity.

10 Natural Home Remedies for Gas, Bloating, and Acidity
The severity of most gastric problems like gas, bloating, and acidity can be resolved with the help of home remedies. For the same, here are 10 best Indian home remedies that can ease symptoms like burping, pressure in the belly, heartburn, and discomfort in chest.
1. Move around post meals
After eating your meals, it is best to move around rather than sit in one place. It has been observed that immediately sitting post meals can cause gas to build up that in turn causes pain and discomfort. Hence, if you are feeling gassy, you can get up and take a walk in the house or office. This will ease down the pain and there is a possibility that the wind will pass through, relaxing the digestive tract muscles in the body.
2. Try Indian home remedies for gas and bloating
Drink sufficient water per day along with trying a few Indian home remedies for gas and bloating such as cloves, fresh fruit juices, buttermilk, cumin water, chamomile tea, and other tonics will keep gastric pains at bay. Additionally, drinking water half an hour before taking meals can prevent bloating post meals. Also, water assists the body with peristalsis (movement of food from the esophagus to the gut) consuming water, especially luke warm water can reduce the pain and discomfort while you’re having gas, cramps, and bloating.
3. Avoid carbonated beverages
Carbonated beverages are known to have carbon dioxide (CO2) which passes in our stomach and gets trapped in the form of gas. When we consume aerated drinks, we unwittingly pass on small amounts of gas that at times our body cannot digest. As a result, there is sharp pain along with stomach bloating which happens soon after we consume fizzy drinks. Not only this, it will surprise you that carbonated drinks cause tooth erosion, and irritates the esophagus and stomach lining causing discomfort and bloating. Hence, it is best to limit or avoid the intake of carbonated drinks
4. Eat slowly and chew your food well
Eating slowly, especially during all meals not only helps in digestion but also ensures that less air is swallowed while eating. Chewing foods well improves digestion and also ensures that there is less bloating and gas in the stomach. Eating slowly and chewing well leads to lesser burps, gas formation and bloating. Another important tip is that eating a well-balanced meal will cause much less gas formation than eating only proteins or salads.
5. Avoid artificial sweeteners
Did you know sorbitol, an artificial sweetener added to most food items especially if you have diabetes can cause gas and bloating? The same is the case with fructose which is naturally present in most of the fruits and juices we consume. It can be very difficult for some people to digest fructose and sorbitol which can cause burping, bloating and in some cases chest pain. Hence, try and avoid adding artificial sweeteners to tea and coffee to prevent gas and bloating.
6. Avoid beans and legumes at night
Beans and legumes are an important part of the Indian diet. However, they cause bloating and flatulence. Hence, one is advised to soak them properly in water for a couple of hours and then cook them. This reduces the gastric formation and bloating to an extent. Furthermore, you are advised to consume them during the daytime with rice or chapatis and avoid having them or serving them during the night. Having beans and legumes at night can lead to gas formation and cause unwanted discomfort.
7. Check if you are lactose intolerant
Indian cuisine is not complete without dairy products. However, not many people are aware that lactose intolerance causes belching, burping, flatulence, stomach pain and stomach upset. Lactose is a sugar that is found in milk and all other dairy products such as yogurt, cheese and buttermilk. A study indicates that 75% of people will become lactose intolerant as they age. Hence, it is important to check or get tested for lactose intolerance. If you are lactose intolerant then do not consume dairy products as it may lead to gas and bloating.
8. Avoid smoking and drinking beer
If you have frequent gastric problems along with pancreatitis then this message is for you. Both beer and cigarettes increase your chance to have gastric problems and digestive tract issues. Beer contains carbon dioxide which causes stomach pain and increases discomfort to a level where you may reach out to a doctor. Smoking cigarettes is negatively associated with gas formation, bloating, and the onset of liver diseases. Hence, if you want to have a hassle-free evening or night avoid these two to prevent gas and bloating.
Note: All these home or natural remedies are effective for reducing the severity of acidity, gas and bloating. But we always suggest consult a doctor if you have been feeling excessively gassy or bloated since more than a week. Excessive flatulence or bloating could be an allergic reaction to any food eaten, or indicative of a serious disorder or disease, such as- PCOD, endometriosis, hernia, etc. Therefore, doctor consultation is advised at the earliest.
Watch this video to learn more about tips to beat acidity by Dr. Hitendra K Garg, one of the best gastroenterologists in Delhi, associated with Apollo 24|7.
Quick Medicinal Treatment for Gas and Bloating
Take digestive enzymes
At times, taking digestive enzymes can help in reducing stomach discomfort, flatulence and gas formation. Digestive enzymes contain alpha-galactosidase that produces galactooligosaccharides (GOS). GOS helps in breaking down complex foods such as root vegetables, proteins and carbohydrates.
There are possibilities when the body produces fewer amounts of digestive secretions, one may have burping, gas and bloating. Hence, providing the body with required digestive enzymes helps in reducing the gas formation and stomach discomfort.
Take over-the-counter [OTC] antacids to relieve pain
Antacids are calcium carbonates that are excellent for reducing acid secretion as well as controlling gas formation. Calcium carbonate when added with simethicone can significantly resolve gas and bloating. Hence, if you are feeling gassy and bloated, take a spoon of antacids to quickly feel better.
However, it is best to avoid certain foods. But if you have consumed them then make sure you have digestives and antacids to relieve pain and stomach discomfort.
However, make sure you consult the best gastroenterologist before you try OTC medications or digestive enzymes.
Frequently Asked Questions on Acidity, Gas and Bloating
1. What are the symptoms of gas and bloating?
The symptoms are a bloated stomach along with frequent passing of gas (flatulence), belly pain and burps. If you are experiencing these symptoms, then it is surely a case of trapped gas. Get diagnosed and treated by an expert gastroenterologist near you by calling us on 01141170655.
2. What is the link between stress and gas formation?
Brain and the gut are connected. So, stress can put your gut at the risk of developing gastric problems. Because of stress, one may find it difficult to swallow foods and increase the amount of air swallowed during eating, drinking, and smoking. Stress can also increase burping, bloating, and gassing.
3. Does dairy cause gas?
Yes, dairy can cause gas in people who are lactose intolerant. These people cannot digest the sugar or lactose present in milk and as a result, they may have diarrhea after eating or drinking dairy products.
Passing gas is normal. But passing gas often can be a sign of underlying gastric problem like GERD. Also, too much gas formation along with bloating can be highly irritating and embarrassing. Try out the above mentioned natural home remedies for gas, bloating, and acidity to ensure that you do not have to suffer from pain and discomfort. Despite trying effective remedies, if flatulence and bloating do not subside then do not delay seeking medical advice from a gastroenterologist.
- Reviewed By Dr. Dhanunjay Reddy B
Digestive Health
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